Citation - Rivington's New York Gazette: 1773.06.24

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Index Entry Actor, Byerley, Mr, to play Fulmer in West Indian [t] 
Location New York 
24 Jun 1773:32 (10)
Theatre.  By order of the Right Worshipful the Provincial G.
and Master, the Worshipful the Deputy Grand Master, and the
Masters of the Lodges in this City.
For the benefit of Mr. Henry and Mr. Wall.
By permission of his Excellency the Governor.
By The American Company,
At the Theatre in John-Street, this Day, being St. John's
will be presented a new comedy (acted but once) call'd
The West-Indian.
Belcour, by Mr. Hallam, Major O'Flaherty, by Mr. Henry,
Capt. Dudley, by Mr. Douglass, Mr. Stockwell, by Mr. Morris,
Charles Dudley, by Mr. Wall, Fulmer, by Mr. Byerley,
Varland, by Mr. Woolls, Lady Rusport, by Mrs. Douglass,
Louisa Dudley, by Miss Storer, Mrs. Fulmer, by Miss
Richardson, Lucy, by Mrs. Wall, Charlotte Rusport, by Miss
Hallam. A Prologue, by Mr. Wall, in the character of a
Master Mason. A Mason's Epilogue, by Miss Cheer. The Entered
Apprentices Song, by Mr. Woolls, to which will be added,
Love A-La-Mode. Sir Callaghan O'Brallaghan (with songs) by
Mr. Henry, Sir Archy Macsarcasm by Mr. Douglass, Squire
Groom, by Mr. Wall, Sir Theodore, by Mr. Morris, The Lady,
by Miss Richardson.
In the Farce (by particular desire) Ellen A Roon, by Miss

Generic Title Rivington's New York Gazette 
Date 1773.06.24 
Publisher Rivington, James 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1773 
Bibliography B0042659
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