Citation - Rivington's New York Gazette: 1773.07.15

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Index Entry Bates, Mr, horseman, to perform 
Location New York 
15 Jul 1773:32 (13)
Horsemanship,  By Mr. Bates.  The Original Performer;
  Who has had the honour of performing before the Emperor of
Germany, the Empress of Russia, the King of Great-Britain,
the French King, the Kings of Prussia, Portugal, Sweden,
Denmark, and Poland, and the Prince of Orange;  also, at the
courts of Saxony, Bavaria, Brunswick, Mecklenburgh, Saxe-
Gotha, Hillbourghausen, Anspach, and every other Court in
Germany;  at all which he received the greatest applause, as
can be made manifest by the certificates from the several
courts new in his possession, and is allowed, by the
greatest judges in the manly art he professes, to excel any
horseman that ever attempted any thing of the kind.
  He will perform on Friday the 16th of July, at the Bull's-
Head, in the Bowery-Lane.
  To which will be added, A Burlesque on Horsemanship, or
The Taylor Riding to Brentford.
  The doors will be opened at four o'clock, and he will
mount precisely at five.
  The seats are made proper for ladies and gentlemen.
  He will take it as a particular favour, if gentlemen will
not suffer any dogs to come with them.
  Tickets for half a dollar, to be had at the bar of the
Coffee-House, at Mr. Rivington's, at Mr. Gaine's, and at the
place of performance.  No money will be taken at the doors,
nor admittance without tickets.
  N.B.  The boards and scantling of the enclosure where the
seats of horsemanship are performed, are to be sold.  For
further particulars enquire at the Bull's-Head, in the

Generic Title Rivington's New York Gazette 
Date 1773.07.15 
Publisher Rivington, James 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1773 
Bibliography B0042662
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