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3 Mar 1774:42 (46)
J. and M. Tanner,
Desire to inform the public, that they intend removing on
the first of May next, to the house belonging to, and at
present in the occupation of Mrs. Lyne, in Smith-Street,
near the corner of Wall-Street; which having an airy
pleasant situation, and every other requisite convenience
for the purpose, will be fitted as a
Boarding School, for Young Ladies,
Where they will be tenderly and politely accommodated, and
instructed in reading, after the rules of the best
grammarians; particular care will be taken to remove ill-
habits, correct vicious pronunciation, and to enable them to
read any English author with propriety and elegance.
Writing, in all the useful and ornamental hands; in which
branch, epistolary correspondence (that very essential, tho'
much neglected part of female education) will be introduced,
as an established part of their exercise.
Arithmetic, will be made familiar, by a method adapted to
their capacities, the want of which, renders that study
generally disgustful, and consequently ineffectual.
Needle-Work of all kinds.
Music, dancing, drawing, French, tambour-work, and every
other polite accomplishment, will be taught by capable
persons, who are engaged for these purposes.
The mode of education adopted, is similar to that of the
most approved English Boarding-Schools; and the success
with which it is attended, evinces it's utility; the
subscribers presume, that in the conduct of it (during a
course of four years) they have acquitted themselves to the
advantage of the pupil, and satisfaction of the parent; and
beg leave to assure those who shall be pleased to entrust
them, that the attainment of those desirable ends, shall
ever engage their assiduous attention, and a conscientious
discharge of the trust they solicit, mark the gratitude they
wish to express for favours received, and their desire to
approve themselves, the Public's,
Most obliged humble Servants,
J. &. M. Tanner.
*The day school will be continued as usual.