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23 Jun 1774:44 (62)
William Milbourn, in Dock'Street, near Coenties-Market, has
just imported per the Earl of Dunmore, Capt. Lawrence, a
fresh assortment of the following articles, which he sells
wholesale or retail, on the most reasonable terms, viz.
White and green ivory table and dessert knives and forks,
Ditto with silver caps and ferrils, black ebony do. with
caps and ferrils, [lists many items, such as razors, powder
bags, soap boxes, curling irons, silver spoons, ladles, etc.
memorandum books jewelry, shoe buckles, knee buckles, for
all of col. 1 and 11 lines of col. 2] guittars, wire and
strings, best Roman violin strings, blank music books
[continues to list needles, pins, telescopes, toys,
spectacles, blacking cakes, etc. for 73 lines]