Citation - Rivington's New York Gazette: 1774.12.01

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Index Entry Biferi, Mr, teacher of singing, harpsichord, composition 
Location New York 
1 Dec 1774:34 (85)
Music.  Mr. Biferi, Music Master from Naples, who has
resided in this city since April last, informs the young
ladies, that he teaches vocal music from the harpsichord,
after the best Italian method, at his house on Golden-Hill
Street, formerly occupied by Mr. Crimshire, Attorney at Law,
on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, in the afternoon,
from two o'clock till eight in the evening, on the moderate
terms of one pound this currency for twelve lessons, and ten
shillings entrance.--Those gentlemen and ladies desirous to
be attended at home, to pay one pound seventeen shillings.
  Mr. Biferi enables his pupils, in a very short time, to
play on the harpsichord, either pieces, sonatas, thorough
bass, &c.  He also teaches and composes vocal and
instrumental music in all its branches.
  N.B.  A very good spinnet to be disposed of, in exceeding
good condition, and at a moderate price.

Generic Title Rivington's New York Gazette 
Date 1774.12.01 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1774 
Bibliography B0042734
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