Citation - Rivington's New York Gazette: 1777.12.20

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Index Entry Drum heads, for sale by Rivington, James 
Location New York 
20 Dec 1777:13 (148)
The Stationary Warehouse.  In this day opened at James
Rivington's, where a compleat assortment of the best in
kind, of every article adapted to public offices, to
gentlemen of all the professions, to the merchant, &c. &c.
amongst which are paper of all sizes, from Whatman's
Imperial, down to humble Pots and Fools Cap;  the first
qualities of each, gilt or plain.
Bank post paper, extremely fine.  Transparent paper, the
finest that can be made for draughtsmen, &c. &c.  Folio and
quarto, thick and thin gilt paper.  Ledgers, journals, and
waste books, of every size, from Atlas to pro Patria, ruled.
. . [18 lines list ink, ink stands, quills, pens].
Parchment, of the finest and largest size and quality. 
Parchment of the middle and smaller size.  Drum heads, most
excellent.  Dillworth's Spelling Books--Scots Bibles, large
and small--Scots Testaments, by the dozen or single book. .
. [4 lines]

Generic Title Rivington's New York Gazette 
Date 1777.12.20 
Publisher Rivington, James 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1777 
Bibliography B0042797
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