Citation |
10 Jan 1778:34 (151)
Just imported in the ship Kingston, and brigantine Anne, and
to be sold by Valentine Nutter, at his book-store facing the
Coffee-House Large best pewter chest standishes, middle
do, small ditto, large pewter ink pots,. . . [12 lines
listing sand boxes, pencils, paper of all sorts, knives,
rulers, blank books, rulers] brevier common prayer books,
new play books and farces, long and short leather ink potts,
pounce, seals with handles, Watts's songs and psalms,
Dilworth's spelling books, flat shaggreen ink cases, Bibles
of all sizes, . . . [6 lines listing dictionaries,
magazines, traveling cases, playing cards] the London
songster, the ladies polite songster, Bacchus and Venus, the
delicate songster, many other articles too tedious to
mention. . . [3 lines on binding, Hyson tea]