Citation |
25 Nov 1778:14 (225)
Benjamin Davies and Son No. 229 Queen Street,
Have just opened a fresh assortment of goods suitable for
the season, to be sold wholesale and retail, for cash only.
Scarlet, blue, buff, white, green, London brown and other
coloured broad cloths, . . . [63 lines list cloth, boots,
coats, buttons, watches, linens, lace, gloves.] violin
strings. . . [17 lines in col. 1 and 85 in col. 2]
Robertson's History of Scotland and Charles V, Kaimes's
Elements of Criticism, Van Sweeten,. . . [22 lines list
books of letters, fables, dictionaries, histories, novels,
essays] Shakespeare, Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, with
160 plates,. . . [30 lines of col. 2 list books on travel,
poetry, etc.]