Citation - Rivington's New York Gazette: 1779.11.20

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Index Entry Alfred [t], for sale by Rivington, James 
Location New York 
20 Nov 1779:12 (328 Supplement)
Literary Amusements, &c. (Which having passed the Ordeal
terrors at the several Watering-places) are, with deference,
offered for the divertisement of   the Military Gentlemen,
now completely hutted in their several snug Heyvernments.
Twiss's Travels thro' Spain and Portugal, Sterne's Letters,
Eliza Warwick, The Wedding Ring, Samuel Johnson's muleish
Journey thro' Scotland. . . [4 lines]  The Pupil of
Pleasure, Cardinal de Retz Memoirs, Montesquieu's whole
Works. . . [17 lines list letters, histories, essays,
criticisms]  Gray's Works, with his matchless Elegy. . . [15
lines]   Paul Whitehead's admired Poems,  The Parliamentary
Characters --the inns and outs included. Evalina by Miss
Burney, a pullet of 17.  The Bath Guide and Election Ball,
The Diaboliad, and the First of April, Mr. Pulteney's
Considerations on public Affairs.
The Rivals, by Sheridan,  The Fathers, The Cozeners, Nabob,
Devil on Two Sticks, Maid of Bath, Maid of Kent, Percy,
Battle of Hastings, Alfred, Fashionable Lover, Honest
Yorkshireman, Haunch of Venison, Tancred and Sigismunda,
Romeo and Juliet, George Barnwell, The Lottery, The Revenge,
The Law of Lombardy, Know your own Mind, Buthred, The
Songster's Companion, a new collection of Chancons.
Maxims for playing well the Game of Whist, The Oeconomy of
Love, by Dr. Armstrong, Mr. Tickel's Anticipation of the
King's Speech.

Generic Title Rivington's New York Gazette 
Date 1779.11.20 
Publisher Rivington, James 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1779 
Bibliography B0042979
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