Citation - Rivington's New York Gazette: 1780.01.26

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Index Entry Abel, overtures, op 4 and 14, for sale by Rivington, James 
Location New York 
26 Jan 1780:33 (347)
A List of Musick, sold by James Rivington,
Abel Opera, 4 and 14.  Martini, Galluppi & Jomelli  Just
Dessaides  Philider, Giordanis  favourite Overture for
Clarinets and Oboes.
Giordanis new Opera 19;  also his six Chamber German Flute   
Kreusser's, Fisher's 1st, 2d and 3d Concerto.  Giardini, Op.
Mahon's, Hayes, Just's, Barthelemon, Giardini, Op. 15.
Giordani,    Op. 23. Smethergill, Alexander's, Van Maldere
Op. 4th .--   Richter, Op. 3.
Fisher's ditto for Hautboys or German Flute.--Bach's Op. 7.
Stamitz, Ditter's, Kreusser's, Bach's Opera 3 and 8, 
Essers. Klofflerz---Riccis.  Schwindls Opera 1, ditto Op.
9.. Retzel's.
Kammell's Opera 6, Augus Op. 4.
Giordanis, Giardini, Cocchi's.
Bach's Opera 9.  Ricci Op. 8, Graff's,--Abel's Op. 8.
Haydn's Op. 7, Richter's, Cirri's.
Duets for Violins and German Flutes.
Manchinellis Opera 2d and 3d, Fisher's for Violins, 
Bates's--Avolio's for Violins, Blanc's for German
Flutes, Stamitz for ditto.
Asplmayr for Violin and Violencello, Bach's and 
Kloffler's for two German Flutes,  Rambach's
for Violins, Op. 6.  Nardenis.  Fisher's for ditto.
Kerntl's for German Flute. Just's Duettinos 
for two German Flutes or Violins.  Cirri's Op.
12.  Giardini's Op. 13.  Boccherinis for two Violins. 
Sabbatini's 2 pocket Duets, ditto Reinard's
Sonatas for two German Flutes or Violins.
Graffis Opera 2  Gerard's  Groneman's 2d collection.
Lidartis  Plas Op. 1.  Kammel's Op. 7.
Manchenelli Op. 3.  Humble's Op. 7.  Madam
Sirman's for 2 Violins.  Bach's four Sonatas--
Nottorne for two Violins and a Bass  Guerinis--
Hasse's six Sonatas for a German Flute, Violin and 
Bass.  Rodil's, Garth's  Ventos  Cappelletti--
Stamitz  Humble's 2d and 4th sett  Wendling's
Opera Prima  Pesch Opera 2d.  Alexander's
Plas 6 Sonatas  Noferi's Opera 10  Campioni
Op. 7.  Nuffen's  Kerntls six sonatas.
Giordani's Op. 12  Zappa's Op. and 4  Chiesa--
Puggani Op. 8  Barbella  Ricci's Op. 16--Canaletti
Soderini  Humble's 5th set  Weissls--
Lidel's Op. 1.  Haydn's Op. 3
Of Music for the Harpsichord, an
infinite Variety, including the best Composers.
For the Violoncello.
Giordani's 6 Duettos  Cirri's six Sonatas, a Vio-
lencello Solo & Basso Op. 3.  Bickhooff's six
Sonatas fo- a  Violoncello and Bass   Agazzi's six 
Sonatas Op. 1  Alcock's two Duetts, for two 
Bassoons, and a Violoncello  Bocchorini's six
Sonatas for a Violoncello.
Guitar Musick.
Schuman's 38 Lessons, with six French and Italian Songs.
Gerlin's Tunes  French Songs and Sonatas.
Songs in Harlequin's Gambols, set by Fischer.
Airs in Love in a Village.
Meneze's Collection of Italian, French and English
Songs and Duetts.
Thackray's twelve Divertisements.
Carter's Lessons and Duetts.
Schuman's English, French and Italian Songs.
Citraeini six Divertimentos.
Noferi's six Lessons, Op. 12
Meneze's Divertiments, Op. 1.
Noferi's six Duetts,
Valentine's twenty-six Duets.
French Horn and Clarinet Musick
Giordani's favourite Overture.
Dretzy's grand Military Sonatas, for two Clarinets,
two Horns, and a Bassoon.
Gleotti's fourteen new Minuets for Horns, Violins, and a

Generic Title Rivington's New York Gazette 
Date 1780.01.26 
Publisher Rivington, James 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1780 
Bibliography B0042998
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