Citation |
9 Feb 1780:21 (351)
From the New-Jersey Journal, February 2. . . Chatham
February 2.
A party of the enemy, consisting of about 300 infantry under
the command of Col. Van Buskirk, of the new levies, and
about 60 dragoons, said to be under the command of Capt.
Steward, of the 17th Light-Dragoons, with several refugees,
the whole in number, near 400, crossed on the ice from
Staten-Island to Trembly's Point, about three miles from
Elizabeth-Town, last Tuesday night. . . .[15 lines]
The same night another party of the enemy, consisting of
draughts from the different regiments stationed in New-York,
passed over the North-River in sleighs to the town in three
divisions, and proceeded to the academy, where they
surprised and took about fifteen men. . . [27 lines]
Last Sunday evening, about 8 o'clock, a party of the enemy
landed at Rahway, and carried off near a dozen of the
The church in town, not intimidated or discouraged by the
barbarous impiety of the enemy, met last Sabbath, when Mr.
Caldwell preached to them from I. Pet. i.7. and Gal. iv. 9.
and sung the following verses:
With flames they threaten to destroy
The children in their nest,
"Come let us burn at once they cry,
"The temple and the priest."
. . . .[12 more lines]
As the beauties of this piece of Psalmody may not be equally
obvious to every reader, we shall subjoin a commentary by
way of elucidation. . . .[Nearly a column of commentary on
this text follows]