Citation - Rivington's New York Gazette: 1780.03.18

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Index Entry Langolee [t], tune of lyric [beg] Success to the shamrogue, and all those 
Location Jamaica 
18 Mar 1780:33 (362)
New-York, March 18.
. . . [7 lines]
The anniversary of Saint Patrick was yesterday celebrated
with the wonted conviviality.  In the morning a most elegant
breakfast and ball were given at Mr. Hick's by the members
of the amiable Society of Friendly Brothers of St. Patrick
to all the officers of the Army and Navy and the gentlemen
of this city.  In the afternoon many entertainments were
likewise given, and the night closed with all the real
jocundity which ever distinguishes that brave & generous
nation, Great Britain's beloved Sister.
Yesterday, (in Honour of the Anniversary of St. Patrick,
tutelar Saint of that Kingdom) the Regiment of Volunteers of
Ireland, quartered on Jamaica, (Long-Island) were
munificently entertained by their Colonel, the Right
Honourable Lord Rawdon.
Sung yesterday at Jamaica before the Volunteers of 
Ireland, it being St. Patrick's Day.
By Barny Thomson,
Piper to that Regiment.
Success to the shamrogue, and all those who wear it,
Be honour their portion wherever they go,
May riches attend them and store of good claret,
For how to employ them sure none better know;
Every foe surveys them with terror,
But every silk petticoat wishes them nearer,
So Yankee keep off, or you'll soon learn your error,
For Paddy shall prostrate lay ev'ry foe.
. . . [1 more verse of 8 lines]

Generic Title Rivington's New York Gazette 
Date 1780.03.18 
Publisher Rivington, James 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1780 
Bibliography B0043013
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