Citation - Rivington's New York Gazette: 1780.07.19

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Index Entry Forte piano, part of chamber organ for sale, description 
Location New York 
19 Jul 1780:32 (397)
To be sold  belonging to a person going for Britain by the
first convoy, a complete Chamber Organ, consisting of the
following stops, a Principal throughout, a do. siteenth, do.
Stop Diapason, and open Diageson Treble, and two Row
Sequialtra Bass, all its stops draw by halves, so that the
bass or treble may be strengthened at pleasure;  it has a
Forte Piano, and may be blowed by the performer in front or
by an independent person at one end.
The lowest price is one hundred guineas, the seller putting
it up and tuning it.  For further particulars enquire of the

Generic Title Rivington's New York Gazette 
Date 1780.07.19 
Publisher Rivington, James 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1780 
Bibliography B0043048
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