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30 Dec 1780:43 (444)
Music Ware-House, By James Rivington.
Who sells a variety of instruments, as Clarinets, Hautboys,
German and Common Flutes, Fifes, French Horns, English
hunting Horns, Trumpets, Bassoons, Guitars, Siccadoes,
Pastoroles, Welch harps, Tabors and Pipes, Tenor Violins,
also Violins of the most exquisite Tones of considerable
prices, if not approved, to be exchanged for such as may
please the purchaser, Florio's celebrated and approved
German Flutes with six keys.
Finest Fiddle Strings, lately imported in uncommon good
order, also Violoncello and Harp Strings, Harpsichord Wire,
Mutes and Pegs for Fiddles, Reeds, and Reed Cases for
Bassoons, Hautboys and Clarinets, Steel Forks for tuning
Harpsichords.-- Crow and Raven Quills, ruled Music Books,
Paper and Pens, Sets of Tenor Strings, Wire for Piano
Fortes, &c. &c.