Citation - Rivington's New York Gazette: 1781.04.11

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Index Entry Drummers, in Guilford Court House, American casualties 
Location Guilford C H 
11 Apr 1781:22,23 (473)
This following is copied from the Pennsylvania Packet, dated
March 31. The following are particulars of the return of the
loss, sustained by the Rebels in the action near Guilford
Court House, North-Carolina.     March 17, 1781
  Brigade of Virginia Regulars . . . [5 lines; no musicians
  Brigade of Maryland Regulars, commanded by Col Williams. 
Killed, 1 major, 1 subaltern, 2 serjeants, 11 rank and file. 
Wounded, (brought off) 5 captains, 1 serjeant, 36 rank and
file. Missing, 3 serjeants, 6 drum and fifes, 83 rank and
  Of Delaware Battalion, Capt. Kirkwood's company.  Killed,
7 rank and file.  Wounded, 2 subalterns, 11 rank and file. 
Missing, 2 drums and fifes, 13 rank and file.
   . . . [lists losses of various other brigades and
Total.  1 Major, 9 Captains, 7 Subalterns, 14 Serjeants, 8
drums and fifes, 290 rank and file . . . .[7 lines]  O.H.
Williams. D.A. General.

Generic Title Rivington's New York Gazette 
Date 1781.04.11 
Publisher Rivington, James 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1781 
Bibliography B0043125
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