Citation - Rivington's New York Gazette: 1781.09.22

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Index Entry Aeschylus, tragedies, for sale by Rivington, James 
Location New York 
22 Sep 1781:44 (520)
The following fine editions of books, favourite authors,
lately imported by a person desirous of returning to
England, are to be had at the low prices affixed to each; 
they are neatly bound, and elegantly illuminated with gold.
Rapin's whole History of England in 21 Volumes, with cuts, .
. . [4 lines of Roman History, Swift]  Beaumont and
Fletcher's Plays in 10 Volumes, with most elegant cutts,
newly engraven, . . . .[14 lines of books on History,
commentaries, etc.] Bell's Plays, Otway's Works, Burney on
Music, Burke on the sublime, Potter's Tragedies of
Aeschylus, 2 Vols.  . . . [16 lines of fiction, law, etc.] 
Farquhar's Plays, Pearch's Poems, 4 Volumes, [5 lines]
  The above is the most elegant collection ever produced in
this city.  They are left for sale at the Printer's.

Generic Title Rivington's New York Gazette 
Date 1781.09.22 
Publisher Rivington, James 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1781 
Bibliography B0043172
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