Citation - Rivington's New York Gazette: 1781.11.10

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Index Entry Plays, for sale by Tronson, Jeremiah 
Location New York 
10 Nov 1781:14 (534)
Books. Imported in the last fleet, to be sold by Jeremiah
Tronson.  No. 21, Great Dock-Street, opposite the Old Slip.
Goldsmith's History of the Earth and animated Nature, 3
vols.  Johnson's Dictionary, Shakespear, 13 vols . . . .[31
lines listing books on history, geography, politics, etc.] 
Gray's Poems, 2 vols . . . ..[4 lines]  Arabian Nights, 4
vols.  [2 lines]  Farquhar's Work, 3 vols . . . .[2 lines of
col. 1 and 25 lines of col. 2]  Johnson's Shakespear, 16
vols.  . . . [11 lines] Goldsmith's Poems . . . [8 lines]
New Publications.   . . . [6 lines]  Johnson's Lives of the
English Poets . . . [7 lines of col. 1 and and 12 lines of
col. 2]  With a variety of Song Books, and Plays.

Generic Title Rivington's New York Gazette 
Date 1781.11.10 
Publisher Rivington, James 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1781 
Bibliography B0043186
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