Citation - Rivington's New York Gazette: 1781.11.24

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Index Entry Drummers, in Yorktown, British casualties 
Location New York 
24 Nov 1781:24,31,32 (538)
New-York,  November 24.
Sir,    I am directed to send you the inclosed Letter from
Lieutenant-General Earl Cornwallis, to his Excellency the
Commander in Chief, which you are desired to publish in your
next Gazette.
    I am your obedient servant, [signed]  Ol. Delancey      
  November 23, 1781.
Mr. James Rivington, 
  Printer, &c.       York Town in Virginia,  October the 2
th, 1781.
  I have the mortification to inform your Excellency, that I
have been forced to give up the posts of York and
Gloucester, and to surrender the troops under my command, by
capitulation on the 19th instant, as prisoners of war, to
the combined forces of America and France.
 . . . [letter continues through the 4th column of page 2,
the 1st one
of page 3, and at the bottom of that column and most of the
2nd one of page 2, he lists the killed, wounded, and missing
of each regiment.]  Total - 2 Captains, 4 Lieutenants, 13
Serjeants, 4 Drummers, 133 rank and file killed.  5
Lieutenants, 1 Ensign, 24 Serjeants, 11 Drummers, 285 rank
and file wounded.  1 Major, 2 Captains, 1 Subaltern, 3
Serjeants, 63 rank and file missing.-----Total 552.

Generic Title Rivington's New York Gazette 
Date 1781.11.24 
Publisher Rivington, James 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1781 
Bibliography B0043190
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