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9 Nov 1782:42,43 (639)
An entire new Importation of Books, Brought from London in
the Fleet, which arrived here on Monday last. To be had of
James Rivington.
Magazines . . . [7 lines]
Novels, &c. The History of Jack Juniper . . . [9 lines]
The new English Theatre, 12 volumes of Tragedies and
Comedies. Shakespeare's Plays . . . . [5 lines of works by
Pope, Swift, Dryden, Horace]
Mathematics and Philosophy . . . [6 lines]
For Gentlemen of the Army . . . [16 lines]
For Gentlemen of the Royal Navy . . . .[4 lines]
Miscellaneous. Guthrie's Geographical Grammar. Dr.
Johnson's Dictionary . . . .[12 lines of books on elocution,
games, letters, cooking] Allan Ramsay's Scotch Song Book.
Physick and Surgery . . . .[8 lines]
History and Miscellanies. . . . [4 lines] Dr. Johnson's
most elegant History of the Lives of the British Poets in 4
vols. a Work not equalled in the English Language . . . [13
lines of books on history, travel, criticism by Churchill,
Rousseau, Machiavel, etc.]
French Books. . . . .[16 lines]
West-India Charts . . . [2 lines]
School Books . . . [2 lines on Caesar, etc.] Lewis's
Church Catechism . . . [2 lines on Cicero, Virgil, Aesop]
The Church of England Primer, The New-England Primer,
Bibles and Common Prayer Books.