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15 Feb 1783:44 (667)
For the Amusement of leisure Hours. The following small
Books of Entertainment, may be had of the Printer.
The New Bath Guide, and the Election Ball,--lively
productions of the ingenious Mr. Ansty. Price 4s.
currency each.
The Diaboliad. Dedicated to the Worst Man in his Majesty's
dominions. Price 4s.
The First of April; or the Triumphs of Folly.
Dedicated to a celebrated Duchess. Price 4s.
[The two preceding pieces characterize many of the most
ostensible persons in the British Nation]
Yorick's Scull; or College Oscitations: With some Pieces
in the Shandean stile; to which is added, A Monstrous
Good Lounge. Addressed to the first man who purchases the
book. Price 4s.
The Pupil of Pleasure. By Mr. Courtney Melmoth, one of the
fashionable writers. Price 8s.
A Collection of Letters, written by General Washington to
Washington, Mr. Custis, their Son, Mr. Lund Washington;
with a long Epistle from the Reverend Mr. Durche, and the
General's Answer to it. Price 4s.
The Sublime and Beautiful of Scripture: Being twenty Essays
on select passages of sacred Composition, viz. On the
Creation,- Origin of Dress . . . [22 lines giving contents]
A View of the Internal Evidence of the Christian Religion,
the Seventh Edition:
Almost thou persuaded me to be a Christian.
This is written by Soane Jenyngs, Esq; a Member of the
British Parliament . . . [5 lines]