Citation - Rivington's New York Gazette: 1783.02.19

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Index Entry Actor, Busby, Dr, played Royal slave in performance at Christ Church 
Location London 
19 Feb 1783:14,21,22,23 (668)
The detaining our November and December mails, and a
consequent dearth of public intelligence, it is hoped will
secure from our Readers a favourable reception of the
following detached Characters of Authors, &c. selected from
that excellent work of Dr. Joseph Warton, entitled, An Essay
on the Genius and Writings of Pope.--Its being universally
read, and justly approved in all countries, will, we trust,
justify us for offering to the public, this profusion of
anecdotes, &c.  The admirers of Dr. Johnson's inimitable
volumes of Biography, who have not already perused these
sketches, will find much amusement from this worthy Master
of Winchester School, and also be pleased with the
Annotator's Notes.
 . . . .[col. 4 discusses Dryden, various Latin authors,
Spencer, Waller, Cowley;  col. 1 continues with Cowley and
discusses Rochester, The Earl of Dorset, Hr. Hawkins Browne,
Swift Bolingbroke, Locke, Newton, Dr. Busby]
   . . . [at end of col. 1, just before the horizontal line
is as follows:]
Dr. Busby had a violent passion for the stage;  it was
excited in him by the applause he received in acting the
Royal Slave before the King at Christ Church:  and he
declared, that if the rebellion had not broke out, he had
certainly engaged himself as an actor.
 . . . [cols. 2 and 3 discuss Otway, Montaigne,  Duke of
 . . . [8 lines of col. 2]
  The [regent] Duke of Orleans was an infidel and a
libertine, and at the same time a bigotted believer in
judicial astrology.  He is the author of many of those
flimsy songs, nuga canora, to which the language and the
manners of France seem to be peculiarly adapted.
    [The remainder of cols. 2 and 3 discuss the Dutchess of
Marlborough, Dr. Young,  Voltaire,  Mr. Gray, Clarke, Aaron
Hill, Boyle, Berkeley, Addison, Tickel, Arbuthnot..]

Generic Title Rivington's New York Gazette 
Date 1783.02.19 
Publisher Rivington, James 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1783 
Bibliography B0043319
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