Citation - South Carolina & Amer Genl Gazette: 1766.05.30

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Index Entry Actor, Quin, Mr, death reported in Bath 
Location Bath 
23-30 May 1766:12 (9/395)
London, January 23.  Last Tuesday morning, died at Bath, the
celebrated Mr. Quin, who for many years greatly
distinguished himself as an actor on the English stage;
which on account of his bad state of health, he was obliged
to quit.  In the year 1748, he came from Bath to play the
part of Othello, at Covent-Garden theatre, for the benefit
of the poor unhappy sufferers by the fire in Cornhill, which
happened the 25th of March in the same year.  He was a
gentleman universally respected by all who had the pleasure
of his acquaintance.
  Lusisii satis, edisiti satis, atque bibisti;
  Tempus abire tibi.
Alas, poor Quin! thy jests and stories
Are quite extinguish'd; and, what more is, 
There's no Jack Falstaff, no John Dories.

Generic Title South Carolina & Amer Genl Gazette 
Date 1766.05.30 
Publisher Wells, Robert 
City, State Charleston, SC 
Year 1766 
Bibliography B0044297
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