Citation - South Carolina & Amer Genl Gazette: 1770.06.08

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Index Entry French horns, for sale by Gillon, Alexander 
Location Charleston 
30 May-8 Jun 1770:51 (13/608)
Alexander Gillon, intending for Europe soon, will dispose of
in his store in Broad Street a great variety of English and
Dutch goods imported here at nine for one, ready money, or
merchantable produce at market price, . . . [47 line]  Dutch
hand carts and bakers' waggons, French horns, looking
glasses, purple and white wampum . . . Any person taking
1000 l. currency of the above goods will be allowed a 5 per
cent discount.

Generic Title South Carolina & Amer Genl Gazette 
Date 1770.06.08 
Publisher Wells, Robert 
City, State Charleston, SC 
Year 1770 
Bibliography B0044500
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