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26 Aug-2 Sep 1774:71 (17/833)
A new boarding school for young ladies to be opened the 15th
of next month in Broad Street near Church Street, in that
cool and commodious house, the front room of which is now
the store of Messrs. Bush & Elliot; where will be taught in
the most expedious and compleat manner and at a reasonable
rate, reading, tambour, embroidery, and all kinds of
needlework. At the same place, and at the usual prices,
writing, arithmetick, dancing & musick will be taught the
young ladies, if desired, and the utmost care taken of their
morals and behaviour, as well as of their persons and
accomplishments. The undertakers do not intend to amuse the
publick with large promises, but hope by their assiduity and
attention to make it the interest of the publick to employ
them. For the terms apply to us the subscribers.
Charleston, August 23, 1774. Ann Sage, Ann Windsor.