Citation |
20 Mar 1777:61 (20/948)
[ ] subscriber being to leave the state on or before. . .
day of April next, in order to satisfy all his. . . possible
before his departure, who are desired to . . . [publ]ic
demands to him at the gaol of Charlestown, will. . . at his
place on Charlestown Neck, on Tuesday the . . . of this
month, if a fair day, if not the first fair day there. . .
publick venue to the highest bidders for ready money. [s]uch
terms as may be agreeable to Thomas Smith, Esq;. . . [3/4
column, including] some kid gloves, a new drum, fife, e&c. .
. a very genteel child's b[a]sket, lined with satin and
quilted. . .The terms will be declared on the day of sale.
John Champneys.