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1 Jan 1778:41 (21/991)
Run away from the subscriber, a Mulatto boy named Peter,
about 15 years old, well known in and about Charlestown,
being formerly a drummer to the Grenadier company; had on
when he went away a new blue whitney coattee, with plain
brass buttons thereon, a white double milled flannel robin a
good pair of London made buckskin breeches, and a new round
hat; he may probably take other cloaths with him, as he had
a variety. Whoever will deliver the said boy to the
subscriber shall have two dollars reward, and if information
can be given of his being harboured by a white person, the
informer shall receive twenty dollars. All masters of
vessels are hereby forewarned against carrying him off the
state, as they will answer the same at their peril. He is
very artful and may probably attempt to pass for being free.
John M'Call, jun.