Citation - South Carolina Gazette (Timothy): 1733.07.28

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Index Entry At midnight when the fever rag'd [fl] 
Location Charleston 
21-28 Jul 1733:12 (80)
By a Person Recovered of a fit of Sickness.
  At midnight when the fever rag'd, 
  By physick art still unasswag'd, 
  And tortur'd me with pain:
  When most it scorch'd my aching head, 
  Like sulph'rous fire, or liquid lead, 
  And hiss'd through every vein.
  . . . [6 verses]
  If joined in consort, with one voice
  Angels at such a change rejoice, 
  I heard their joy exprest.
  If there be musick in the spheres, 
  That musick struck my ravish'd ears, 
  And charm'd my soul to rest.

Generic Title South Carolina Gazette (Timothy) 
Date 1733.07.28 
Publisher Whitmarsh, T 
City, State Charleston, SC 
Year 1733 
Bibliography B0045599
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