Citation - South Carolina Gazette (Timothy): 1734.09.14

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Index Entry Drums, in Dantzick, beat as French troops board ships for France 
Location Dantzick 
7-14 Sep 1734:31 (33)
The Duke of Saxe Weyssenfels kept them at dinner, and in the
evening they agreed upon a capitulation to this effect: 
That the French regiment encamped under the [surrendering]
Fort of Wechselmunde should be carried on board Russian
ships to one of the ports of the Baltick, to be concerted
with the Russian Admiral:  That the said regiments should
from thence be carried to France on board their squadron, or
other merchant-ships:  That the French troops should go on
board and land with drums beating and colours flying. . .

Generic Title South Carolina Gazette (Timothy) 
Date 1734.09.14 
Publisher Timothy, Lewis 
City, State Charleston, SC 
Year 1734 
Bibliography B0045638
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