Citation - South Carolina Gazette (Timothy): 1748.11.21

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Index Entry Fiddle strings, for sale by Peronneau, Samuel 
Location Charleston 
14-21 Nov 1748:32 (762)
Just imported in the Sarah and Rose, and to be sold at the
lowest prices by Samuel Peronneau, Irish oznabrugs, --
tandems, --dowlas, . . . [8 lines] mens coloured and spotted
thread stockings, --mens and boys black worsted ditto, --
Watt's psalms and hymns, --paper, --hard and soft pewter
plates and dishes, --hard mettal spoons, --fish hooks of
different sorts, --clasp knives, --French scissars, --fiddle
strings, --bone and buck-horn rivited knives and forks. . .

Generic Title South Carolina Gazette (Timothy) 
Date 1748.11.21 
Publisher Timothy, Peter 
City, State Charleston, SC 
Year 1748 
Bibliography B0046356
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