Citation - South Carolina Gazette (Timothy): 1760.06.21

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Index Entry Trumpet, played by man on horse, in woodcut as initial letter I 
Location Charleston 
14-21 Jun 1760:11, 12 (1350 Supplement)
[Woodcut with a rider on horseback, blowing a horn, two
ships in the background, with the sun shining down, the
letter H on the side of the horse]
[News of Indian Wars follows]
when the Cheehaws conducted the lower-towns traders to
Savannah, they left their women at some distance from the
town; some Negroes at work not far off, happening to begin
an Indian chorus, the women conceived it to be the war-cry,
and that their husbands were putting to death; impressed
with this idea, they instantly flew, with the greatest
precipitation, and never stopt 'till they fell in with the
Mad-Dog's camp;
. . . [Report continues]

Generic Title South Carolina Gazette (Timothy) 
Date 1760.06.21 
Publisher Timothy, Peter 
City, State Charleston, SC 
Year 1760 
Bibliography B0046898
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