Citation - South Carolina Gazette (Timothy): 1763.07.23

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Index Entry Blundell, Nathaniel, sells fiddle strings, hunting horns, Watts's Hymns 
Location Charleston 
16-23 Jul 1763:13 (1514)
Nathaniel Blundell, has just imported, . . . from London, .
. . and from Bristol, a compleat assortment of goods, 
. . . [List of household goods]
fiddle strings, backgammon tables and boards, instrument
cases, hunting horns, 
. . . [List continues]
The new duty of man, bibles, prayer books, and Watts's
hymns, testaments, psalters, and spelling books, . . . 

Generic Title South Carolina Gazette (Timothy) 
Date 1763.07.23 
Publisher Timothy, Peter 
City, State Charleston, SC 
Year 1763 
Bibliography B0047064
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