Citation - South Carolina Gazette (Timothy): 1772.06.18

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Index Entry Actor, Dunstall, Mr, plays Ballad singer, in Harlequin Skeleton [t] 
Location London 
18 Jun 1772:13 (1899 Supplement)
sung by Mr. Dunstall, in the character of a woman Ballad-
Singer, entitled the Stockwell Wonder.
Ye belles and ye bloods, who the Panetheon flockwell, 
Come and see the renown'd Pandemonium at Stockwell, 
Where the pewter and crockery are all bon ton, 
And the chairs and the tables dance a cottillion.
Derry down, down, derry down.
[Verse 2]
A pickling-pan first, which exceeds all belief, 
Danc'd and skipp'd to the tune of Old English Roast Beef;
The barrel so lively, it ne'er cou'd be said, 
The beer that was in it can never be dead.
Derry down, &c.
The candlesticks, plates, and the dripping pan soon, 
With the dishes and warming-pan danced to some tune;
The clock acted right, and we very well know, 
That a clock which won't stand must undoubtedly go.
Derry down, &c.
. . . [1 verse with burden, "Derry down, &c." follows]

Generic Title South Carolina Gazette (Timothy) 
Date 1772.06.18 
Publisher Powell, Hughes & Co. 
City, State Charleston, SC 
Year 1772 
Bibliography B0047463
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