Citation - South Carolina Gazette (Timothy): 1773.11.22

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Index Entry Concert, in Charleston, of St Caecilia Society 
Location Charleston 
22 Nov 1773:22 (1979 Supplement)
[N.B. Date moved for performance because of conflict with
the St. Caecilia Society Concert]
By Permission, . . . will be exhibited, at Mr. Pike's Long-
Room (for the better accommodation of the ladies and
A Variety of Performances on the Slack Wire, also a great
variety on the Slack Rope.
By the Celebrated Mr. Johnston, just arrived from England,
well known there for his abilities on the same.
He proposes to perform on Tuesday next, being the 23d
instant, and on the Friday following.
He balances, turns, and swings on the Slack Wire to
admiration.-- He balances a French Horn on the wire, and
plays a tune upon it at the same time;-- also a Small Sword
on the edge of a wine glass, with a pewter plate on the
hilt, and make it spin round like a top.-- He beats the Side
Drum in full swing on the wire.-- He balances a straw on his
nose, and beats the Drum at the same time on the wire.-- He
will lay down on his back upon the wire, balance a straw
upon his nose, and rise up with the same.--Also walks
backward and forward on the wire in full swing.
Likewise he balances his hat upon his nose, and dexterously
catches the same on his head upon the wire.-- He walks
blindfolded on the wire.-- He balances a pyramid of glasses
on his knee upon the wire.-- He stands on the ground and
balances a peacock's feather on one foot, tosses it to the
other, and from thence to his face, then to different parts
of his body, and to his face again.-- Any person that
chuses, may blow a peacock's feather through a cane, and he
will catch the same in balance upon his face. With a great
many others, to tedious to mention.
He exhibits on the Slack rope in a manner so peculiar, that
he has challenged any person in Europe to exceed them.-- A
detail of his different feats on the same, would be too long
for an advertisement.
Tickets, One Dollar the Stage, and Twenty Shillings the
Gallery, to be had at the Coffee-House, Mrs. Swallow's, Mr.
Morelli's, and at the place of performance.
N.B. To prevent confusion at the door, no person can be
admitted without a ticket.
[Hand pointing right] The St. Caecilia Concert being on
Monday next, Mr. Johnston will perform on the Wire on
Tuesday next, and the Friday following.

Generic Title South Carolina Gazette (Timothy) 
Date 1773.11.22 
Publisher Timothy, Peter 
City, State Charleston, SC 
Year 1773 
Bibliography B0047550
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