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15 Apr 1766:31 (18)
Mr. Douglass returns the public his most sincere thanks for
the many favours he received this winter as an actor; he
assures them, he will ever retain a most grateful sense of
the obligations he has to this province, which have so amply
rewarded his imperfect, though well-meant, attempts to
contribute to their entertainment.
He purchased, when in London, a genuine copy of the
Lectures on Heads written by Mr. Stevens, and provided
himself with the necessary apparatus for delivering it; He
has made some alterations and improvements, which he
flatters himself will be a considerable advantage to it, as
many strokes of satire have escaped the author, which Mr.
Douglass imagines to be directed at, rather, improper
objects, and in some places the sense was so obscure, that
it was absolutely necessary to elucidate it, in order to
convey with precision, his meaning to the audience.
In this state he intends to exhibit it to the town: But
as an undertaking of this kind, is wholly new in this part
of the world, and the success uncertain, he is advised by
his friends, (that he may be enabled to form a judgement of
the encouragement it is likely to meet with, before he
engages in any further expence) to propose a subscription,
for three nights only, at three pounds for the three nights.
As soon as a competent number have subscribed tickets will
be issued, and proper notice given of the night on which he
will deliver the lecture.
*** Subscriptions are taken in at Mr. Douglass's lodgings
in Queen-street, and at Mr. Wells's shop on the bay.
Charles-Town, April 14, 1766.