Citation - South Carolina Gazette (Crouch): 1767.01.27

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Index Entry Drum, regimental, for sale by McCall, James 
Location Charleston 
27 Jan 1767:13 (59)
Just imported in the Beaufain, from London, an assortment of
goods, amongst which are the following, a variety of choice
garden seeds, pease, beans, and flower-roots. . . [9 lines,
spices] children's pretty books, boys neat guns, a fine
regimental drum, neat violins, fiddle strings, fishing rods,
reels and floats. . . [7 lines] to be sold very reasonable
for cash, at Messrs. Lloyd & Neyle's store in Broad-street,
by [signed] James McCall.

Generic Title South Carolina Gazette (Crouch) 
Date 1767.01.27 
Publisher Crouch, Charles 
City, State Charleston, SC 
Year 1767 
Bibliography B0044973
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