Citation - South Carolina Gazette (Crouch): 1768.10.18

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Index Entry Country dances, in London, danced by King of Denmark with Lady Bell Stanhope 
Location London 
18 Oct 1768:21 (150)
London, August 15.  As soon as the King of Denmark came to
St. James's, he was immediately waited on by the Earl of
Hertford and Lord Falmouth, to compliment him on his
  Friday in the afternoon, the King of Denmark waited on his
Majesty at St. James's, and afterwards visited the Princess
Dowager of Wales, and from thence went to the Countess of
Hertford's, and came to Ranelagh half an hour after ten,
attended by a large retinue, after staying there some time,
he went to Sir Thomas Robinson's, where he found the
Princess of Saxe Gotha, and a great many persons of rank and
quality, and danced country dances till near one.  The
company staid about an hour after his Majesty retired.

Generic Title South Carolina Gazette (Crouch) 
Date 1768.10.18 
Publisher Crouch, Charles 
City, State Charleston, SC 
Year 1768 
Bibliography B0045063
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