Citation - South Carolina Gazette (Crouch): 1773.01.26

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Index Entry Lecture on Heads, New [t] (Stevens), critical observations 
Location Charleston 
26 Jan 1773:11, 12 (374)
Stevens's New Lecture upon Heads: with Critical
The following are some of the characters taken from
Stevens's New Lecture upon Heads, with the remarks subjoined
to each. The reader will be pleased to observe, that the
words of the Lecture are distinguished by inverted commas,
and the remarks without.
. . . [Satirical description of heads, including:]
Bust of Sir D. Daisy . . . Insipids . . . Sir Dimple Daisy, 
Bust of a Broad Grinner. . . . This appearance is what many
upon the stage put on, and what a great many, who are not
put upon the stage, can never put off . . .
Bust of a Sheep's Tail Macaroni . . . 
Bust of a Thick-Stock Macaroni. . . 
Bust of a Finnical . . .
Bust of a London Blood . . . 
Bust of a Woman of the Town . . . 
Bust of a Blood after he has kept it up . . .
[Note: conjunction between Macaroni and "Keep it up"]

Generic Title South Carolina Gazette (Crouch) 
Date 1773.01.26 
Publisher Crouch, Charles 
City, State Charleston, SC 
Year 1773 
Bibliography B0045292
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