Citation - South Carolina Gazette (Crouch): 1773.08.24

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Index Entry Douglass, Mr, manager of American Company of Comedians, to build theatre 
Location Charleston 
24 Aug 1773:43 (404)
Theatre.  Mr. Douglass returns his most grateful thanks to
the public, for the very generous countenance they have
given to his Address. He begs leave to inform them, that the
subscription is in great forewardness, and a considerable
part of the money already collected, and deposited in the
proper hands for carrying the design into execution; the
receipts for which are lodged at Mr. Wells's, on the Bay.
for the inspection of  the subscribers.-- Materials are
collecting, builders engaged, and every possible step taken
to compleat the undertaking, early in November.
Those gentlemen who have not yet subscribed, and would
choose to add their names to a catalogue, already honoured
with the notice of a number of most respectable characters,
will be obliging enough to signify their intentions as soon
as possible, at the places mentioned in the Address.

Generic Title South Carolina Gazette (Crouch) 
Date 1773.08.24 
Publisher Crouch, Charles 
City, State Charleston, SC 
Year 1773 
Bibliography B0045322
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