Citation - South Carolina Gazette (Crouch): 1773.09.21

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Index Entry Balls, in Charleston, private, New Assembly Room available from Mr Pike 
Location Charleston 
21 Sep 1773:33 (408)
Mr. Pike, having hired the New-Assembly Room in Church-
Street, will let the same for public sales of estates,
Negroes, dry goods, &c. &c. Also for private balls on a
Monday or Friday in the evening, -- or to any meeting of
societies for the ensuing season.-- As the same is very
airy, private, and more commodious than any one of the kind
built in this province. Any further particulars may be
enquired of him, at the said room.

Generic Title South Carolina Gazette (Crouch) 
Date 1773.09.21 
Publisher Crouch, Charles 
City, State Charleston, SC 
Year 1773 
Bibliography B0045326
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