Citation - South Carolina Gazette (Crouch): 1773.12.07

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Index Entry Labbe, Anthony, to be fined for non-appearance for jury duty 
Location Charleston 
7 Dec 1773:41 (419)
South-Carolina.  Whereas at a court of Common-pleas, begun
and holden at Charles-Town, on Tuesday the 12th of October,
1773.   Anthony Labbe', Thomas Pike, Edward Shrewsbury . . .
[8 more names] being duly summoned and returned to serve as
jurors at the said court, made default, and were noted for
non-appearance:  This is to give notice, that they will be
fined in the sum of five pounds, proclamation money of
America, each, unless they shall make good and suffient
excuses, upon oath, for their non-attendance, on or before
the first Tuesday in January next, [signed] James Trail,
C.C.P.  Pleas Office, October 13th, 1773.

Generic Title South Carolina Gazette (Crouch) 
Date 1773.12.07 
Publisher Crouch, Charles 
City, State Charleston, SC 
Year 1773 
Bibliography B0045337
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