Citation - South Carolina Gazette (Crouch): 1774.09.06

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Index Entry Cans't thou, spectators, view this wicked scene [fl] 
Location Charleston 
6 Sep 1774:23 (458)
The following lines were occasioned by the sight of the
American having tea poured down her throat, as represented
in the May magazine.
  Cans't thou, spectators, view this wicked scene, 
  Yet not command thy pit'ous tears to stream?
  Canst thou a sister see so us'd by those--
  (Another bursting to observe her woes)
  . . . [18 more lines]

Generic Title South Carolina Gazette (Crouch) 
Date 1774.09.06 
Publisher Crouch, Charles 
City, State Charleston, SC 
Year 1774 
Bibliography B0045373
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