Citation - South Carolina Gazette (Crouch): 1775.05.16

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Index Entry Ingles, Alexander, treasurer, St Coecilia Society 
Location Charleston 
16 May 1775:41 (494)
The quarterly meeting of the St. Coecelia Society, will be
held at Mr. Ramadge's Tavern, on Thursday the 18th instant,
where the members are desired to attend precisely at 11
o'clock, and to dine together.  It is earnestly requested of
the members to come prepared to pay up their arrears, and
part of their contribution money, agreeable to the
resolutions of the 22d of November last, as the demands on
the society are preparing, and the performers depend upon
being paid off, as their contracts expire:  The managers
therefore hope they will be enabled to fulfill the
engagements of the society.  Every person who neglects
paying his arrears at the quarterly meeting, will, by the
6th rule, be no longer deemed a member of the society, and
on that day be excluded, of which those concerned, are
desired to take notice accordingly.  By order of the
managers, [signed] Alexander Inglis, treasurer.

Generic Title South Carolina Gazette (Crouch) 
Date 1775.05.16 
Publisher Crouch, Charles 
City, State Charleston, SC 
Year 1775 
Bibliography B0045411
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