Citation - South Carolina Gazette (Crouch): 1775.05.23

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Index Entry Abercrombie, John, teacher of guitar, violin, German flute 
Location Charleston 
23 May 1775:21 (595 [=495])
Musick and Dancing.  Mr. Abercromby is happy in this
opportunity of acknowledging his gratitude for the kindness
of the public to him hitherto, in his profession of musick
and dancing;  He has taken a convenient house the upper end
of Broad-street, next door to Arthur Middleton, Esq; for the
better accommodation of his pupils, and hath entered into
partnership with Mr. Sodi, who, for many years had the sole
conduct of the dances at at [sic] the Italian opera in
   They propose teaching the minuet, Minuet Dauphin, Minuet
a quatre, Louvre, Rigadoon, hornpipe, country dances,
paspied, Bretagne, new cotillon, Allemande, and other
fashionable dances.
   The days of instruction at their own house, are Thursdays
and Saturdays, where their best endeavours shall be exerted
to deserve the approbation of such parents and guardians as
shall commit their children to their instruction. 
   The ladies will be waited on, as usual, at their
respective Boarding schools.
   Mr. Abercromby continues to teach the violin, German
flute, and guittar.

Generic Title South Carolina Gazette (Crouch) 
Date 1775.05.23 
Publisher Crouch, Charles 
City, State Charleston, SC 
Year 1775 
Bibliography B0045413
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