Citation - Story & Humphrey's Pennsylvania Mer: 1775.05.26

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Index Entry Yankee, etymology of word, satire 
Location Philadelphia 
26 May 1775:32 (8)
Etymology of the Word Yankee.  When the New-England colonies
were first settled, the inhabitants were obliged to fight
their way against many nations of Indians.  They found but
little difficulty in subduing them all, except one tribe who
were known by the name of the Yankoos, which signified
Invincible.  After the waste of much blood and treasure, the
Yankoos were at last subdued by the New Englandmen.  The
remains of this nation (agreeable to the Indian custom)
transferred their name to their conquerors.  For a while
they were called Yankoos; but from a corruption, common to
names in all languages, they got through time the name of
Yankees.  A name which we hope will soon be equal to that of
a Roman, or an Ancient Englishman.

Generic Title Story & Humphrey's Pennsylvania Mer 
Date 1775.05.26 
Publisher Story & Humphreys 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1775 
Bibliography B0047690
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