Citation |
15 Sep 1775:41 (24)
Darby Township, Chester county, August 28, 1775. Five
pounds reward. Run away from the subscriber on the 19th
inst. a servant lad named Francis Correy, about 20 years of
age, about 5 feet 7 inches high, of a healthy complexion,
large out features, has black hair, . . .was born in
Scotland and brought up chiefly in England, his speech is
broad and rather on the west of England accent. . . [8
lines, clothing] he can work well at farming business,
understands the manual exercise, and can beat well on the
drum (having been in the army) and is an artful fellow, and
it is thought will endeavour to get into the Continental
Service, as his mind runs that way, or may pretend to have
deserted from Gage's army. . . [terms, signed] William West.
. .