Citation - Virginia Gazette-Norfolk (Duncan): 1774.10.27

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Index Entry Come all ye freemen who love King and land [fl] 
Location London 
20-27 Oct 1774:21 (21)
London, August 12.  Wednesday being the anniversary of the
day when the free Burgesses of Newcastle gained their cause
against their magistrates, with regard to the Town Moor, a
numerous meeting of the Burgesses of that place assembled at
Mrs. Will's, the Hole in the Wall, Fleet Street, all friends
of Phipps and Delaval, and had an elegant entertainment in
honour of that day.
. . . When supper was ended, Mr. Davison, surgeon, entered
in the character of the Genius of Tyne, and the dress of a
shepherd, and sung the following song, composed on the
  On Tyne's sweet banks, while free to rove, 
  And tune my artless need to love, 
  I envy not the venal throng
  That dance to ev'ry courtier's song.
  Freedom's my theme, and evermore shall be, 
  The sons of Tyne shall evermore be free.
. . . [4 lines with burden, "Freedom's my  theme, &c."]
  When Mr. Davison had finished his part, Mr. R---d next
entered,   and sung the following song to the praise of
Phipps and Delaval:
  Come all ye freemen who love King and land, 
  For Phipps and for Delaval now set your hand;
  To honor  we call you, and not to be slaves, 
  That our sons may be free when we're laid in our graves.
  Let Britons be loyal, and stand to their cause, 
  And, freemen, be ready, 
  Steady, boys, steady
. . . [4 verses and burden, "Let Britons be loyal, &c."]

Generic Title Virginia Gazette-Norfolk (Duncan) 
Date 1774.10.27 
Publisher Duncan, William, and Co. 
City, State Norfolk, VA 
Year 1774 
Bibliography B0047799
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