Citation - Virginia Gazette-Norfolk (Duncan): 1775.08.02

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Index Entry Trumpeter, in Cambridge, messenger from Burgoyne to Lee 
Location Cambridge 
2 Aug 1775:23 (61)
By a northern paper just come to hand, we are informed there
is very great reason to apprehend an attack from the
Caghnawaga tribe of Indians-- . . . That on Sunday the ninth
of July a trumpeter was sent to the provincial camp, who was
conducted blind-folded, with a letter from General Burgoyne
to General Lee, lamenting their acting in opposition to each
other, and desiring a conference with him, and that General
Lee had declined the proposal.-- That this letter had been
transmitted to the Congress, that they might direct such
steps to be taken as they should think fit.
. . . [13 lines on other political and military news]

Generic Title Virginia Gazette-Norfolk (Duncan) 
Date 1775.08.02 
Publisher Holt, John H., & Co. 
City, State Norfolk, VA 
Year 1775 
Bibliography B0047818
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