Citation - Virginia Gazette-Richmond (D&N): 1780.11.11

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Index Entry Dancer, runaway Negro named John, also plays fiddle 
Location Lunenburg C H 
11 Nov 1780:42 (88)
Run away about the middle of September last, from Lunenburg
court-house, a likely Virginia born fellow named John, about
25 years old, 5 feet 9 or 10 inches high, combs his wool up
very nice before, of a yellow complexion, and if questioned
strict, is apt to stutter, he will I expect try to pass for
a freeman.  He is a very good rough shoemaker, and can play
the fiddle, but not very well, and is the best Negro dancer
I ever saw.  He is a very active fellow, has had five
fingers on each hand, but has had one cut off the side of
each.  Any person apprehending the said fellow, and
contriving me word so as I get him, shall receive a reward
of 1000 dollars [signed] Joseph Smith.

Generic Title Virginia Gazette-Richmond (D&N) 
Date 1780.11.11 
Publisher Dixon & Nicolson 
City, State Richmond, VA 
Year 1780 
Bibliography B0047859
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