Citation |
17 Jul 1779:12 (23)
Copy of a letter from a gentleman of Detroit, to his friend
in Quebeck, September, 1777.
Yesterday his excellency Sir Guy was pleased to sign my
pass a few hours before he set out for Montreal,
notwithstanding any opposition that might have been made by
our Detroit Nero (Lieutenant Governour Hamilton) who you
know is now in town here. From what you have heard of his
cruel and tyrannical disposition, you must be well convinced
how unhappy we are under his government; you know what
severity he used against me unjustly, how he has treated Mr.
Bentley, and confessed to him in presence of several
witnesses, that he knew very well his proceedings against
Mr. Bentley were illegal, but that he was above the law, .
. . You know. . . the cruel manner in which he treated Mr.
Jonas Schindler, silversmith, who after being honourable
acquitted by a respectable jury, he ordered to be drummed
out of the town; Captain Lord of the 18th Regiment, late
commandant at the illinois, and at the time commanding the
garrison at Detroit, silenced the drum when it entered into
the citadel, in order to pass out at the west gate with the
prisoner, and said Lieutenant Governour Hamilton might
exercise what acts of cruelty and oppression he pleased in
the town, but that he would suffer none in the citadel, . .