Citation - Virginia Gazette-Williamsburg (Hu): 1752.01.24

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Index Entry Balls, essay, attendees censured 
Location Williamsburg 
24 Jan 1752:31, 32 (56)
From the Fool.  Sir, Were it lawful or decent to be
ludicrous with the miserable state of our country, the quack
remedies applied to her diseases would prove an
inexhaustible fund for satirical mirth: . . . [15 lines]
  In vain may the parson deliver sound doctrine and pure
morality from the pulpit, if his actions give the lie to his
sermons:  The generality of his congregation forming their
judgements chiefly from appearances, will be too apt to
conclude he is only acting a farce, as players do for bread,
and hardly be brought to believe and practice what they
suspect he himself is not inwardly perswaded of. . . [1/4
column] the Epicure, that cannot live without a French cook: 
To which I may add the constant resorters to plays, balls,
operas, masquerades, concerts, bear-gardens, horse-races,
cock-matches, and those that deal more with print-shops that
with the booksellers. . . 

Generic Title Virginia Gazette-Williamsburg (Hu) 
Date 1752.01.24 
Publisher Hunter, William 
City, State Williamsburg, VA 
Year 1752 
Bibliography B0048161
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